When It Comes To Online Videos, Coca Cola named The Top Brand

Fernie101 wanted to find out which brands were doing the best job when it comes to online videos, but we didn't know whether the editorial team could pull it off on our own, so we turned it over to the wisdom of crowds.
So we decided to carry out a twitter survey where more than 600 people took the time to list their favorite brands. Most ignored our request that they choose a single brand, and instead nominated a handful, so more than 800 brands got a nod.

Among the brands with the most notable mentions was Dove. The P&G brand since 2004 has aligned itself to celebrating beauty. With their “Campaign for real Beauty” they have been able to champion the belief that we are all beautiful in our own kind of way.

Dove kept so some pretty good company among those who didn't make your number 1. The brilliant condom brand Durex got a handful of votes but still not enough to reach the top. Other great brands with multiple mentions: Chanel, Tide, Google, Beats by Dre, Nike, RedBull

But in the end, it was Coca-Cola that won the day, which still happens to be the editorial team’s favorite brand. With their liquid and linked strategy they have been able to blow away their competition when it comes to content marketing. The content 2020 manifesto that has been guiding them has proved to be a huge success and their goal of achieving in this decade the same amount of success that they have achieved in the last over 100 years might just be met. The “Open Happiness” campaign which has emotion at its core is arguably the best campaign from this decade, and for the editorial team – the best of this century yet.

The video with the most notable mentions was “The Happiness Machine” In the video, students at a London University got a whole lot more than the Cokes and Diet Cokes they had bargained (and paid) for, when the special machine dispensed treats. If you still haven’t seen it, check out what happened:

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