#ThisIsMyKenya : Awesome Social Experiment By Safaricom

Safaricom finally reveal what i see as the cherry at the top of the awesome ice cream sundae that is (at least for me) the best advertising campaign in the country for the year 2015.
Safaricom came up with a project entitled #ThisIsMyKenya.The aim of this beautiful project is to change the perception of Kenyan citizens towards their country. 
In this video, a social experiment is carried out where a number of personalities are asked to tell the story that they see on a number of photos. The answers given show the huge disparity that exists people's perception towards the country and the reality that is there. 

I love the authenticity behind it as well as the simplicity. I believe that more brands in the country should follow suit in developing such content when it comes to digital media.

In David Ogilvy's words " A good advertisement is one that sells the product without drawing attention to it."

To participate in this awesome initiative head over to : http://thisismykenya.co.ke/

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