One Direction calls on fans to be the generation to end extreme poverty

One Direction is calling on its fans to 'take action' against extreme poverty

The Action/1D activity centres on a mobile web app, which includes a set of videos of the band calling on fans to take action. Fans can share the content or even submit their own to be included in a final film that will be shown to world leaders at Global Summits in New York in September and Paris in December this year.
It is part of a wider Action/2015 campaign of which charities such as Save The Children are involved and well-known figures such as including Emeritus Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Malala Yousafzai, Sir Richard Branson, Shakira, Ben Affleck, Bill and Melinda Gates and Bono have pledged support to.
The campaign was launched with a film by the band which was tweeted out to its fans.

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