P&G's brand director for Northern Europe, Roisin Donnelly, has called the FA's recent tweet about the England World Cup women's team "unacceptable".

Like a Girl: Always' latest campaignSpeaking to Marketing during the launch of Always’ latest ‘Like a Girl’ ad, Donnelly said advertisers had a "huge responsibility" to send out positive messages to female customers.
Her comments come after the Football Association was slammed for a tweet saying, "Our Lionesses go back to being mothers, partners and daughters today, but they have taken on another title – heroes."
The post was branded sexist by critics, who pointed out that such domestic language is rarely used in reference to the men’s football team.
Donnelly said: "I think it’s just unacceptable. Anyone on twitter has got to be responsible, and has to have internal processes.
"He - if it was a he - was just looking at the world through their mindset and you can’t do that in the public arena. They have done the right thing by taking [the tweet] down so quickly."
The FA’s chief executive, Martin Glenn, yesterday described the incident as a "mistake" and called on advertisers to support women’s football.

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