Intel - Meet the Makers (Ken Krieger & the Ebola proof Tablet)

When fighting one of the worst epidemics in human history, communicating quickly and efficiently is the difference between life and death. But getting the necessary information from point A to point B isn’t always easy.
As Ebola wreaked havoc across Africa in 2014, doctors and health workers encountered a significant problem.
Because doctors weren’t able to remove papers, pens or computers from the quarantine tent without spreading the disease, explained Ken Krieger, lead engineer of Project Buendia, they needed a portable, Ebola-proof solution that would allow them to go back and forth between quarantine and non-quarantine areas.
With an incredibly painful disease killing people at an astonishing rate, any other method was ineffective and deadly.
“If we aren’t going faster than the epidemic, the epidemic’s going to win,” Krieger said. “It’s really all about time.”

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