Grayling Paves PR Way for Obama's Trip to Kenya

Grayling is handling outreach to US media on behalf of Kenya's Ministry of Eastern African Affairs, Commerce and Tourism ahead of President Obama's trip this month to Kenya, the native land of his father.
He's to attend the Global Entrepreneurship Summit, a forum for business leaders, international organizations and government officials.
On March 30, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the goal of the trip is to "accelerate growth, strengthen democratic institutions and improve security."
Kenya has been the target of terrorist attacks, raising concern over the President's safety. The al-Shabaab lodged an attack in on Kenya's Garissa University College, killing about 150 students.
In the aftermath of that attack, Obama reiterated his plan to go to Nairobi to meet President Uhuru Kenyatta and discuss ways to bolster counter-terrorism cooperation to build a safer and more prosperous Kenya and its surrounding region. "The future of Kenya will not be defined by violence and terror," said Obama on April 3.
Grayling, which handles tourism PR for the country as well, signed the PR agreement covering the US work on June 5. The contract, worth $40K, runs though August.
David Murray, Hannah Slocum and Kevin Swanson handle the account at the Huntsworth unit.
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