'Uber' Is a Dirty Word in France; Taxi Strike Disrupts Cannes Lions

Passengers and crew walk with their luggage outside of Charles de Gaulle airport near Paris.
On Thursday at this year's Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, the cocktail-party chatter was dominated by the French taxi strike -- with some variation on the question "How the hell can we get out of here?" being asked by many attendees.
In Cannes, where most festival panels, parties and hotels are in walking distance of each other, the issue wasn't getting around during the event, but what to do post-Cannes.

Background: French taxi drivers are blisteringly angry that Uber is disrupting their business, so they planned their own rather theatrical disruption: a day of protests, starting Thursday morning, that not only idled taxis nationwide, but provided camera-ready images of blocked roads, burning tires and smashed car windows. Rocker Courtney Love, who was visiting Paris, tweeted about an attack on her Uber ride: "they've ambushed our car and are holding our driver hostage. they're beating the cars with metal bats. this is France?? I'm safer in Baghdad." (She later updated: "Paid some guys on motorcycles to sneak us out, got chased by a mob of taxi drivers who threw rocks, passed two police and they did nothing").

Read More: http://adage.com/article/madisonvine-case-study/uber-a-dirty-word-france-taxi-strike-snarls-cannes/299240/
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