Joburg Zoo 'Night Tour Shadows'

To communicate the Night Tours offering, Joburg Zoo and Y&R South Africa set out to explore a highly impactful and interactive way to maximise awareness and to encourage visitors to book a night tour. The resulting campaign, titled ‘Night Tour Shadows’, made use of bespoke foldable designs cut into posters with a call to action to shine a smartphone torch from below the folds. An installation was created at the Joburg Zoo, and schools, community centres and influencers were also targeted to interact with the posters.

“Our objective was to create a campaign that would impart a sense of discovery through design,” explains Rui Alves, Executive Creative Director at Y&R South Africa’s Johannesburg office. “When the light hits the posters, it reveals some of the nocturnal animals you will encounter during a Night Tour: the lion, the red panda, the eagle owl, and the wild dog. These animals are much more active and playful at night.”

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