Ice Bucket Challenge Wins 2 Gold Lions in Branded Content at Cannes

But for second year in a row, no Grand Prix is awarded

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, which took Facebook and other social networks by storm last year, has won two gold Lions today in Cannes' Branded Content & Entertainment category.
The viral sensation broke the usual mold of branded content by crowdsourcing creation to supporters around the world.
This marks the second year in a row that no entries in Branded Content & Entertainment have merited a Grand Prix, the top honor in any Cannes Lions category.
Jury president and BBDO Chief Creative Officer David Lubars said the jurors simply didn't feel any of the entries were strong enough to be remembered well into the future.
"We had many fantastic golds, but the golds are the best of what's this year. When you give a Grand Prix, that's like classic history forever. I don't think any of those quite hit that," Lubars said. "None of them had that classic, '30 years later still talking about it still' quality. And I do think it's party because it's a growing category."
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