Crispin's Domino's Emoji Takes Titanium Grand Prix; Wieden's Re2pect for Jeter Takes Integrated

The Domino's emoji ordering system won a Titanium Grand Prix, while the Re2pect campaign honoring Derek Jeter from Nike's Jordan Brand took an Integrated Grand Prix at Cannes.

Domino's emoji ordering from Crispin Porter & Bogusky, Boulder, Colo., allows people to instantly place orders saved in their accounts with the fast feeder by tweeting a pizza emoji.
Mark Fitzloff, jury president and exec creative director of Wieden & Kennedy, Portland, defended the Domino's campaign in response to a question suggesting it was "quite simple and nothing really special" by saying "We felt really good about awarding an idea that has the potential to really impact a big advertiser's business model." He compared it to Amazon's one-click service.
Mr. Fitzloff was somewhat unqualified to say why Re2pect won, because he was recused from deliberations on work from his own agency. But he said: "I think the nature of it being integrated fell away. People were able to get wrapped up in the story and move seamlessly from execution to execution and not think about kind of a checklist of how it's integrated, and look at how many things it did."

Domino's ordering emoji was deemed to have a big impact on the company's business model.
Domino's ordering emoji was deemed to have a big impact on the company's business model.
The Re2pect campaign honored retired New York Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter with a series of videos showing such celebrities as Spike Lee and Rudy Giuliani and ordinary folks -- including even purported Boston Red Sox fans -- tipping their caps to the widely respected player.

"The winner of our integrated Grand Prix was really driven off of emotion," said Mark Fitzloff, jury president and exec creative director of Wieden & Kennedy, Portland. "And ironically our Titanium Grand Prix was ultimately very utilitarian, very functional."
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