To get more sales, more people need to read your ads. Obviously, an ad cannot sell without drawing attention, but you do not want the consumer to focus on your ad being an ad. You want them to focus on the message.
On page 74 of Ogilvy On Advertising, he wrote:
On average, helpful information is read by 75% more people than copy which deals only with the product.Ogilvy wrote this fact when mentioning his ad, “How to take out stains.” He showed a picture of 12 different common stains. The problem was in the picture and the solution in the copy.
The quote by AdLegend David Ogilvy is as true today as it was during his days and when Ogilvy Pride UK tweeted thisduring Cannes it got me to thinking and realised that this was so true of most of my favorite ads most of which have been very succesful. Think of Nike's marketing strategy that focuses on tenacity or Dove's real beauty they all focus on what the consumer wants to feel about himself/herself while using the product.
Here are 3 of my favorite ads that truly champion Ogilvy's quote:
"My dad's story": Dream for My Child | MetLife
Lacoste "The Big Leap"