Dove and Twitter Built a Tool to Measure How Positive or Negative Your Tweets Are

Dove and Twitter are now taking a dive to examine how social media affects self-esteem.
The team launched a new phase of its #SpeakBeautiful campaign at South by Southwest Interactive with a tool that breaks down which body-related words people use the most and when negative chatter peaks during the day.
Here's how it works: People first retweet a post on Dove's Twitter account tagged with the hashtag #SpeakBeautiful. Dove then automatically responds to the retweet with a link to a custom microsite. The microsite displays personalized Twitter data as a chart and shows how someone's negative tweets stack up to other women.
According to the brand's own research, 80 percent of women come across negative chatter on social media, with 72 percent of girls saying that they are criticized weekly.
Take a look at the screenshots below as an example of the social stats that Dove wants to highlight.

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