40 Years later This Has To Be Apple's Best Ad

Finally!!!!! I have a chance to blog about this.

Apple has come a long way since its first advert 40 years ago.
The very first ad Apple ran in 1976 looked more like a flyer than an advert. It was an advert for the Apple 1 computer and is a mass of text that is a far cry from the brand's current trademark use of white space.

For us here at Fernie101, the Think Different Campaign has to be the best yet. The campaign has come to embody Apple’s principles. Steve Jobs had returned to the company but was faced with it only having 90 days of money left and no breakthrough products on the horizon.
Chiat\Day was given the assignment of coming up with a big idea that could turnaround Apple’s fortunes. Many have claimed credit for the uber-successful Think Different campaign but it appears the man who deserves most the plaudits was a junior art director named Craig Tanimoto.
The idea struck him as he was playing around with Dr. Seuss imagery and doodling Star-bellied Sneetches and wondering how some are unique and others are social outcasts. In a cartoon dialog box he scrawled "Think Different" next to the doodle and thus the campaign was born.

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