Rugby Champs Become Gentle Giants in Touching Animated O2 Spot

England rugby players become gentle giants in this beautifully animated -- and surprisingly touching -- spot for mobile brand O2, marking its official sponsorship of the Rugby World Cup.
The spot, by VCCP, features expressive animation by Elliot Dear of Blinkink (who worked on John Lewis Christmas ad The Bear and the Hare in 2013) and a rousing score (by Theo Vidgen, who composed music for "The Hobbit") that might even bring a tear to your eye.
The story features England rugby players including captain Chris Robshaw literally becoming giants. The bewildered animated characters have some trouble going about their normal lives -- travelling by Underground, saying goodnight to their wives and kids -- until they realise their enormous form is there for a purpose when they spot a little boy with an England rugby poster in his bedroom. The tagline is "Make Them Giants."

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