Bic: The Hipstervention (Shave the Beard. Save the World)

Shaving brands have been attacking hipsters for a while now in a bid to get the world using razors again. Now that the hipster backlash is in full swing, a new campaign from Bic in Australia is clearly hoping people will jump on the bandwagon by staging a hipstervention for their hairy friends. A funny social video, seen here, is done in PSA style, with a mom bemoaning her son's transformation from cute kid to bearded, tattooed skateboarder. The website is similarly witty: it has instructions on how to lure the hipster (cold drip coffe, craft beer, vinyl), shame them and then shave them. You can also download the instruction kit to print it out.
McCann Melbourne created the campaign, which includes print, street posters, out of home advertising and direct mail.

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