Trulia: #TruliHome No Shame In Their Game

Trulia tapped Mekanism in San Francisco for three 30-second digital spots, released today, slated to run into the fall.
Online real estate site Trulia promises that no matter how weird you are, it will help you find a home. The hilarious new #TruliHome campaign created by Mekanism includes three funny spots directed by Tool's Shawn Z showing a family who enjoy a different kind of housewarming, a word game-loving nudist pair and a couple who communicates through whale-speak. Each, thanks to Trulia, has found an abode that perfectly suits their quirky habits.
funny website also compiles users' testimonials of the strange things they do inside their homes, such as "I quietly rap to the beat of my husband's snoring" and "I give acceptance speeches for fake awards on my balcony." The campaign tag, appropriately, reads, "Find a home where you can be you."

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