The Volkswagen up! is a simple urban car that gets you around town. It’s for people who want a car that’s practical, convenient and well designed. But people don’t go to dealerships anymore. They look online, buy what their friends have, inherit what their parents had or trade in their cars for public transport and bicycles. So we decided to reach them where they were. On their phones.

So, we partnered with the taxi service Uber and created the very first test ride campaign. Using the Uber app, customers could get a free ride in the Volkswagen up! to wherever they needed to go. So instead of making them go all the way to the dealership, we brought the car to them.
Once inside they could experience the up!’s spacious interior for themselves, the beautiful design touches and experience how practical it is for driving in the city. It’s an innovative car from Volkswagen. And we found an innovative way to get people to test ride it. The Volkswagen up! is now one of the most popular entry level cars in South Africa.

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