Make a Bunch of Vrooming and Squealing Car Noises, and VW Will Turn It Into a Video

We've seen campaigns that allow you to drive cars virtually before, but in this latest effort for Volkswagen out of Deutsch L.A., you get to control a virtual Golf R with the sound of your voice. "Unleash Your Rrrr" includes a pair of ads starring actor Michael Winslow (aka "Man of 10,000 Sound Effects") and stunt driver Tanner Foust (the "Fast and the Furious" franchise), who each demo the online experience by making revving, screeching and driving noises with their own vocal chords.
The campaign leverages "Deep Learning" artificial intelligence, which analyzes vocal pitches to let users create a customized film of a Golf R that drives, drifts and brakes in concert with their voice. Of course, users will have to pull a Michael Winslow and amp up the sound effects n order to get the best outcome -- a video that shows both the car and the user in "high performance mode."
"The idea behind the Golf R 'Unleash Your Rrrr' was simple -- imagination," said Vinay Shahani, Volkswagen of America VP-marketing in a statement. "As children, we've all played with toy cars, and the power of our imaginations allowed us to turn rugs into expressways and wooden floors into slick racetracks. Our voice would act as the engine. Fast forward to today where we now have the power of technology to enhance our imagination, and to visualize the power of our voice."

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