Grey México: CoverGirl - Safety Makeup

Covergirl wanted to generate awareness about the dangers of applying make up while driving. Being the cause of 1 out of 5 car accidents in México, we let the product do the talking. "Covergirl's Safety Make Up" is the first giveaway sample that opens once you lock your car. The samples were modified with a simple device: an electronic system locking the sample would unlock it through the radio frequency emitted by car keys, so once the car is closed, the sample would open, uncovering our caring message: Don't make up and drive. Protect your beauty, Covergirls! We took it to the streets and handed 1,000 free samples to women who were applying make up in their cars. Using the giveaway as our own media, we invited our Covergirls to lock their cars and unlock their beauty. COVERGIRL. Easy, breezy, beautiful & safe.

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