CW Wraps Its 2015-16 Upfront Business

Youth-Friendly Network Sees Big Lift In Dollar Volume

Jane the VirginThe CW is the first TV network to complete its 2015-16 upfront business, closing out the spring bazaar with a significant uptick in new business and dollar volume.

Broadcast's youngest-skewing network landed some 30 new advertisers over the course of the upfront, making particular headway with the automotive, financial services and retail categories.
According to CW brass, the home of "Arrow," "The Flash" and "Jane the Virgin" posted cost-per-thousand increases of 4% versus the year-ago upfront season, while dollar volume jumped between 12% and 15%.
All told, the network shifted its usual chunk of inventory, landing early commitments for between 75% and 80% of its available airtime.

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