How a Popular Show on USA Has Given Lexus a Big Lift

Lexus has partnered with the USA drama Suits for all five of its seasons. And with the summer finale having aired yesterday, the network is sharing a bit of good news about that partnership: It has resulted in a 22 percent increase in Lexus' brand favorability, according to USA's internal research.
This season, USA and Lexus have let the fans drive the content by beefing up the social aspects of the campaign, even incorporating Suits star Patrick Adams' side career in photography. "We were always creating content to give to these fans," Colleen Mohan, svp of brand marketing for USA Network, told Adweek. "In season five, it's really the fans who are creating the content."
A branded custom vignette asked fans to submit their own photos on Facebook and Instagram using the hashtag #SuitsInspiration. Some of the photos appeared during episodes in a first-of-its-kind social TV ad. "Lexus really wanted to be part of Instagram," said Mohan.
For the last three seasons, USA has produced an interactive Web series, Suits Recruits, based on the show's characters, but Mohan explained that Adams' passion for photography provided them the perfect opportunity to give fans a more personal look into the people behind the show. "[Suits Recruits] were very character based and character focused," she said. "Fans just want more behind the scenes; they want more access to the actor."
The shift to social was inevitable, said Mohan. "We follow the fans. We do a lot of listening to find out what they're saying and what they're doing. Lexus is doing the same thing."
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