'Nude' Baristas Take Over a Coffee Shop for Nestlé's New Creamer Campaign

For Nestlé's Coffee-Mate Natural Bliss all-digital campaign, the brand's marketers wanted to do something with a little shock value. So they took over an Irving Farm Coffee Roasters store in New York on April 24 with baristas wearing essentially nothing but body paint.
 Patrons were also surprised to find that coffee was free for the whole day.
Additionally, other performers sat "nude" (body paint as clothing remains a legal gray area, including in New York) among the customers in the café-style shop. From several hours of footage, Nestlé and 360i created a one-minute, 33-second video and a 30-second clip to be pushed on Facebook, YouTube and other digital channels, with paid ads starting in the next few weeks and running through September. 
Using the hashtag #NaturalBlissCafé, the team hopes to turn heads on social media with an au naturel strategy that's slightly skewed toward millennial consumers.
Lastly, Nestlé began teasing the ad last night on YouTube. Check it out:

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