Google Used Clickable Paper in Posters Asking People Which Nonprofits It Should Fund

The nonprofits competing in the Google Impact Challenge have some pretty innovative ideas for how to make the Bay Area a better place to live. And Google's method of soliciting votes for the contest is pretty cutting edge, too.
72andSunny created "digital paper" posters that people could press to make real-time votes in over 15 neighborhood spots, including restaurants, coffee shops, bus-station shelters and food trucks. The idea was to get as many community votes as possible, and actually getting out into the community accomplishes that much better than only doing an online vote.
The top four vote getters will receive $500,000 in grant funding, while the other six will get $250,000 each. Some 15 more will each receive $100,000. All of the nonprofits will receive support from Google volunteers and co-working space at local Impact Hubs.
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