APEX Awards 2015

Comprising of 32 industry experts, including Chris Botha of The Media Shop, CEO of 25AM Andre Steenkamp, Joe Public CEO Gareth Leck and MD of Quirk Justin Spratt, the jury had their work cut out for them.

The big winners of the night included the Cape Town and Johannesburg Ogilvy & Mather agencies, FoxP2 and Lowe + Partners Cape Town.

The SABC Launch Category
for brands that are less than 12 months old, with no significant history of advertising had no Gold winners. Ogilvy & Mather Johannesburg clinched Silver for their KFC – Discover Life - Discover the Crunch campaign for Yum! Restaurants International. Two Bronze statues were awarded, one to FoxP2 for their Garagista Anti- Hipster Campaign and the other to Joe Public and Mediology for Canine Cuisine – for dogs with really good taste.

The Sandton Convention Centre Change Category
for new campaigns from previously advertised brands that resulted in significant short-term effects on sales and behaviour saw many winners. The biggest winners were Lowe + Partners Cape Town who walked away with the Grand Prix and Gold for their touching Get me to 21 campaign for The Organ Donor Foundation. Gloo and Ogilvy + Mather Johannesburg also clinched gold for the FNB ATM Switch with House of Brave winning Silver for their work on the 1 Life – Putting life back into 1 Life campaign. Two Bronze awards were handed out; the first to Ogilvy + Mather Johannesburg for KFC Ka-Ching and then to DDB South Africa’s Aromat – Chasing 53 Million Eggs for Unilever South Africa.

The SABC Sustain Category
for campaigns that benefited a business by maintaining or strengthening a brand over a long period saw one Gold go to Ogilvy + Mather Cape Town for the Castle Lite- Extra Cold campaign for South African Breweries. OIL @ Lowe + Partners Johannesburg won Silver for their work for Merck Pharmaceuticals’ Slow-Mag, as did FoxP2 for the FOMO campaign for Ster-Kinekor Theatres.

The Unilever and Millward Brown Special Awards Category
, an award for the entry that demonstrates the most ingenious response to limited advertising or research funds and an award for the most successful submission for a charity or NPO or cause saw two winners. Gloo and Ogilvy + Mather Johannesburg for their FNB ATM Switch were recognised for their clever approach with limited funds, and Lowe + Partners Cape Town for the Get me to 21 campaign for their work with a charity organisation.

As key note speaker Justin Apsey, VP of Brand Building: Home and Surface Care, Unilever South Africa says; “We believe marketing is moving from marketing to people, to marketing with people.” He encouraged the attendees to realise the power brands have and the differences they can make in the world. Through effective campaigns like the ones awarded last night, he believes brands can become a real force for good.
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