P&G Christina Hendricks' Ad Banned by U.K. Watchdog

Christina Hendricks' famous red hair – and its temporary transformation to blonde – has gottenProcter & Gamble into trouble with the Advertising Standards Authority in the U.K.
A commercial for Nice 'n Easy hair color, which is also running in the U.S., shows the Mad Men actor's transformation from redhead to blonde, with Ms. Hendricks declaring, "Goodbye red, hello golden blonde… I don't know if blondes have more fun, but I plan to find out."
After complaints that the dramatic change could not have been achieved using Nice 'n Easy alone, the ASA quizzed Procter & Gamble about the making of the spot, which was created by Grey Advertising.
P&G defended the product's performance, but admitted that they had shot the "blonde" part of the ad first, for practical reasons around Ms. Hendricks' availability.

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